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  • 1.  Medical ministry sharing plans

    Posted 09-01-2020 16:14

    I would be curious to know how people are dealing with the medi-share type plans. We have always returned the checks they issue to us and have billed the patients because the checks coming from the medi share plan always indicate "payment in full" and, as you can imagine, they are not paying in full.

    I currently have one "plan" telling me that since we returned the check, they have no choice but to remit the check to the patient but that they will give us one more chance to accept the pennies on the dollar they initially paid to us.  If we don't accept assignment, we will have to bill the patient and they will provide the member with balance bill defense.  The letter is written by their attorney and includes a lot of gibberish about ERISA and the "prudent man" standard in what appears to be an attempt to obfuscate the situation because I don't think ERISA is in play here.

    Any experience you can provide with these people would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

    [Sheila] [Witous] [MBA, CPA, CGMA]
    [Chief Administrative Officer]
    [Radiology, Inc.]
    [South Bend] [IN]
    [(574) 258-1100 ext. 205]
    FINAO Solutions: Comprehensive Radiology Solutions

  • 2.  RE: Medical ministry sharing plans

    Posted 09-01-2020 17:00

    We are handling these payors as self-pay only to include financial waivers that state they are responsible for the entire balance unless they take advantage of time of service/paid in full discounts offered to all self-pay patients.


    We've grandfathered in a few cases but with the growth of these type of plans we've been notifying patients over the last few years (at the time of scheduling) that we do not honor Medi-share type plans.   Close monitoring on the billing side is also required so adjustments are NOT taken.  

    Dennis J Chaltraw, CRCE Director Revenue Cycle Management │ Oregon Imaging Centers (OIC) / Radiology Associates, PC (RAPC) │ 1200 Hilyard Street, Suite 330, Eugene, OR  97401│ (w) 541.302.7771 (c) 541.999.1848 | fax

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    FINAO Solutions: Comprehensive Radiology Solutions