Practice Management

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  • 1.  Records Retention

    Posted 10-10-2019 09:56
    Does anyone have a records retention policy that they are willing to share?  We are updating ours and would like to see if others are following CMS requirement exactly or retaining longer than they require.  Thank you!

    Brandi Henry
    Executive Director
    Valley Regional Imaging
    (910) 221-22500
    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 2.  RE: Records Retention

    Posted 10-28-2019 10:05
    My understanding is that patient records must be stored for a minimum of seven years.

    Any minor-age patient files should be stored indefinitely.​

    William Kisse
    Washington Open MRI, Inc.
    Rockville, MD
    (301) 424-4888

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.