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  • 1.  NightHawk Company?

    Posted 12-27-2018 17:44
    Can anyone recommend a tele-radiology provider who might be interested in a small account?  We recently picked up a hospital outside of our health system (on a different PACs) and we need to find a night service to do prelim reads from 11:00pm to 7:00am.  (Average 6 CTs, 2 US, 10-12 X-Rays/night). Apparently, as a stand alone account this is too small for VRad.

    Matthew DesRosiers
    Winchester Radiologists, P.C.
    Winchester, VA
    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 2.  RE: NightHawk Company?

    Posted 12-27-2018 18:09

    You might want to try Direct Radiology.  I think they deal with smaller accounts.




    Brian Williams




    Diagnostic Imaging Associates, Inc.

    698 12th St SE

    Suite 145

    Salem, OR 97301


    503-588-2674 - Clinic

    503-586-1301 – Fax

    541-301-9056 - Mobile


    Upcoming PTO: None




    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 3.  RE: NightHawk Company?

    Posted 12-28-2018 10:50
    Might try 

    Bill Wilson
    Practice Administrator
    Radiologic Professional Services, PA
    1112 West Sixth Street, Suite 110
    Lawrence, Kansas 66044
    Ph# 785.841.3211 ext. 27
    Fax# 785.841.8570

    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 4.  RE: NightHawk Company?

    Posted 12-28-2018 11:23

    Might try US Radiology On Call





    Anthony Armand MBA

    US Radiology On Call

    2461 Santa Monica Boulevard #108

    Santa Monica, CA 90404





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    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 5.  RE: NightHawk Company?

    Posted 12-28-2018 13:23
    Recommend ARIS Radiology.  New CEO there is Nick Christiano.  See

    Harry Curley
    StreamlineMD, A PRC Medical Company

    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 6.  RE: NightHawk Company?

    Posted 12-28-2018 14:10

    I would recomend USROC and ask for Tony Armand.  They are out of Santa Monica, Ca.



    Ginny Canfield


    P     330-841-5807

    F     330-841-5858




    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry