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CT Dose Optimization - An Overlooked Value-added Service Radiology Groups Are Well Positioned To Deliver

  • 1.  CT Dose Optimization - An Overlooked Value-added Service Radiology Groups Are Well Positioned To Deliver

    Posted 03-02-2020 13:30

    Here is a link to a free course which is now available titled "Using the DIR to Implement an Effective CT Dose Monitoring Program and Meet The Joint Commission's Dose Incident Identification Requirements:"    2 CE Credit Course - Free
    Click on the Course title in the Featured Course menu along the right border.
    Note: Users wishing to enroll in the course should first create an account on the website, then login and enroll in the course.

    If you are a Radiology Group, feel free to share this with your hospital department managers and staff.  If you are a billing organization, please share with your clients and encourage them to forward it on to their client hospitals. 

    Speaking from experience, we were able to use our DIR experience and familiarity to provide a much appreciated value-added service to our health system by taking the lead in CT dose reduction efforts using the DIR within the system.  I believe this is one area Radiology Groups  are well-positioned to leverage.  The cost is minimal, but I can attest that when a group documents 15%, 20%, 30% or more dose reductions, its gets attention.  

    In that vein, I created the above referenced course to help people understand and use the DIR.  

    As you will hear, the Dose Index Registry is a powerful tool. We only need to understand how to get at it and what it is telling us.  At the end of this course you will have enough information to implement an effective, low cost dose monitoring and optimization program at your facility.  My real objective is to have Radiology and Radiologic Technologists BECOME LEADERS in dose reduction within their institution.  The success stories you will hear are technologist-generated success stories which, in many cases, were then broadly shared within their organizations.

    In this course, I share with you

    • Why dose monitoring is important;
    • 4 of the most useful DIR Reports and how to generate them, including the new Interactive reports;
    • Tips to make Exam Name mapping easier, including how to use the Bulk Mapping option;
    • Success stories others have had using this approach, which provides additional insight for using the DIR;
    • Advice on assigning User Roles; and,
    • How to use the DIR to meet TJC's Dose Incident Requirement without the need for expensive third-party dose monitoring systems.

    Please share this with your imaging management and technical staff if they would like to learn more about how to use the Dose Index Registry to reduce CT doses and implement a low-cost, yet effective CT dose optimization program and/or meet TJC's Dose Incident Identification requirements, or simply want free CE.  If  you are a member of a state chapter or national association feel free to share it with them as well.  The course if free for all. 

    Michael Bohl FRBMA
    Strategic Advisor
    Radiology Group, PC, SC
    Bettendorf IA
    (563) 484-0488
    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry