Practice Management

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  • 1.  PAs interpreting X Rays

    Posted 02-27-2020 16:07
    I am curious if anyone can help me investigate the topic of  Physician Assistants interpreting and billing for XRAY interpretations.  In this case, the PA is seeing the patient in-office setting. I appreciate your input.

    Linda Masin MHA, CHC
    Business Manager/Compliance Officer
    Eastern Radiological Associates
    Billings MT
    (406) 237-5490
    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 2.  RE: PAs interpreting X Rays

    Posted 02-27-2020 16:47
    Hi Linda

    I think the first step would be to contact the state licensing board and find out whether this is within their scope of license.

    In general, ability to bill is going to flow from scope of license.

    David Smith FACMPE
    Executive Director
    United Imaging Consultants
    Mission KS
    (785) 393-8387

    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry