You've still got time to register for this upcoming presentation featuring a case study of how one practice utilizes mid-level physician extenders. I encourage you to join us.

Jan. 22, 2019
10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET
Mid-level Practitioners in your Radiology Practice
Speakers: Kristy Harrison, PA-C and Victoria Dupuy, PA-C
- How to adequately utilize mid-level practitioners in your practice
- Strategies for increasing revenue by using mid-levels
- How a PA/NP bridges the gap between supporting staff and physicians
The Chapter Webinar Consortium consists of eleven RBMA Official Chapters who have joined together with RBMA National to provide bi-monthly webinars to their members. The participating chapters are: California, Delta States (Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi), Florida, Heartland (Kansas, Missouri), Illinois, New England (Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont), Northeast (Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania), Ohio, Oregon, Rocky Mountain (Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming) and Texas.
RBMA Members within these Chapters register for FREE. RBMA Members not located in these Chapters can register for a nominal fee ($25). Non-members may also register for an increased fee ($100).
Tim Barrett, CPA |
Chief Executive Officer |
8230 Summa Ave.,| Suite C | Baton Rouge, LA 70809-3421 |
office (225) 757-0552 | fax (225) 763-9997 | |