Hi Anthony - Like Larry's group, we also provide RSO services now. Started about 2 years ago. The long time RSO left and the hospital appealed to the practice to provide this function. We said no, but ultimately acquiesced. The hospital made many commitments which they have honored. 1) To provide clerical support for the RSO function; 2) Physicist on contract to drive most of the process; 3) Funding for a RSO orientation course of 2 days; 4) Monthly reimbursement for the service which is about $2,800/month. The practice had to provide the radiologist performing this function administrative time. For the first year, admin time was 2 .5 days a month. After a year, admin time decreased to .5 day/month. Our RSO is a hyper-organized individual and very policy driven. Hospital is happy. Rad feels supported. Concur with Larry re insurance coverage.
Beth Williams MHA, FACMPE, FRBMA
Executive Director
Vantage Radiology and Diagnostic Services
Federal Way WA
(253) 661-1700 ext. 1105
Original Message:
Sent: 05-05-2022 20:59
From: Anthony Dispenziere
Subject: Radiation Safety Officer Question
Hello Everyone,
Our hospital used to employ someone for the radiation safety officer position, but they were let go. They do not have a replacement, so they came to our group to see if one of our physicians might do this job for them (of course in addition to being a regular radiologist for our group). I am wondering if anyone else has this kind or arrangement, and if so, what the market for this kind of service might be along with any notable permutations. They claim that this work will be no more than 5 hours per month, though I am skeptical because I have heard that doing this kind of administrative work is a pain. I would certainly appreciate any feedback/help!
Anthony Dispenziere
Anthony Dispenziere
Reno Radiological Associates