Our group does operate a separate IR Clinic and utilizes
Practice Fusion as the standalone EMR for that facility. This was initially engaged due to the low (zero actually) cost of this EMR. It is on the verge of transitioning to a pay subscription model. It accomplishes what we need it to, and hopefully the fact that it is now non-free will spur some further development for this application.
Overall it is fine for the purpose, and we actually engaged it after a consultation with another practice that utilized it for its' long-standing IR Clinic. When we looked at the typical EMR competitors, they offered only an incremental advantage and were fairly expensive. We are not a single hospital system practice otherwise we would likely have attempted to piggyback off of the EMR employed by our hospital partner.
Hope this helps, and I too would be interested in alternative EMR for this purpose.
Craig Carter
Chief Operating Officer
Radiology Associates of North Texas
Fort Worth TX
(817) 321-0313
Original Message:
Sent: 05-22-2018 12:26
From: Deborah MacFarlane
Subject: IR Specific EMR
Wendy - Carestream used to have an EHR that worked well for an outpatient IR clinic that I consulted with but I haven't looked lately.
Sent from my iPhone
Original Message------
I posted a similar request a few months ago and received no responses. I reposted...still no responses. If you hear from anyone, please share their recommendation.
Thanks, Wendy