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  • 1.  Recommendations Pre-Auth and Collection Agencies

    Posted 01-10-2022 11:22

    I am working with a group in the DC/MD area and would like to find options for pre-authorization outsourcing and collection agencies.   I have a few that I am considering but always find value in reaching out to hear about your experiences and recommendations.

    This is an MRI only group, with 6 locations.  We need a sound workflow, accountability, good communication, and of course results for these high dollar procedures requiring authorizations.  I am sure anyone that works in this realm knows that with the unique coverage per patient, it is no longer a general assumption based on the payer, rather researching by patient to ensure we are pre-authorizing correctly.  I am familiar with Infinix, but would like other companies to research also.   Any suggestions?  

    For collection agencies, I am finding that there are quite a few still charging rates that are much higher than expected, and know that there are reputable firms that do a great job, and are closer to 22-25% fees.  There is one company I am speaking with, Finance Systems, Inc that has been in the industry for a while, and does have radiology clients.   Any experience with them?  Any other collection agencies that would be experienced in radiology and MD/DC regulations?   Appreciate any insight.

    Please private message me if you have anything you could share that may assist this practice!

    Thank you

    Sharon Fremer
    CEO, Owner
    Fremer Group, LLC
    Alpharetta, GA
    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 2.  RE: Recommendations Pre-Auth and Collection Agencies

    Posted 01-10-2022 13:03
    Hi Sharon, 

    We'd love to talk about how SCS could be a good fit for your client.  I sent you a private message with more details. 


    Maegan Moore
    Director, Marketing & Business Development
    Specialized Collections Systems, Inc.

    Chair, RBMA Chapter Committee
    Past President, Texas RBMA
    Past Secretary, Texas RBMA
    Past Member, RBMA Marketing Subcommittee

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 3.  RE: Recommendations Pre-Auth and Collection Agencies

    Posted 01-10-2022 14:06
    Sharon, give me a call when you get an opportunity to discuss. 812.216.7498 Thanks, Don Bales

    Chris Coleman
    Richmond IN
    (888) 977-9729

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.