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  • 1.  Medical Collections Legislation: HR 2547

    Posted 05-11-2021 13:49
    This alert from RBMA Zotec Partners regarding a soon to be voted on legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Expected vote 3 pm Today!

    Protect Providers' Rights to be Paid in a Timely Manner!


    Introduced in April, the Comprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act, H.R. 2547 , would provide new consumer protections against certain debt collection practices, and specifically includes a section onmedical debt collection.

    • This bill updates the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) to require that debt collectors need to wait two years after the first payment is duebefore trying to collect a medical debt from the patient.
    • There are also provisions to protect consumer credit reports from certain medical debt. The bill would exclude debt for medically necessary and preventative services from being reported to credit reports. Patients would also need to be notified before medical debt can be reported to a collection agency.

    This bill is scheduled for a House vote this week and the votewill not be held under "Suspension of the Rules," indicating that this vote will most likely pass if you do not take action.


    Please urge Congress to vote NO on the passage of H.R. 2547, the Comprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act, when it is considered in the House.


    Take Action Now!

    Robert Still FRBMA
    Executive Director
    Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA)
    Fairfax VA
    (703) 621-3363
    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 2.  RE: Medical Collections Legislation: HR 2547

    Posted 05-11-2021 14:56
    Why don't we tell our congressman they have to wait 2 years to get their paycheck.
    absolute absurdity occurring in Washington.

    Douglas G. Kraus, CPA
    Chief Financial Officer
    South Texas Radiology Group, P.A.

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.