Practice Management

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  • 1.  Staffing Level Benchmarks

    Posted 02-19-2019 11:42
    We are reviewing our staffing levels for mammography technologists and sonographers.  OIC is a out-patient imaging center that sees about 110,000 patients per year.  Mammography is about 25,000 on 3-3D units and Ultrasound is about, we see 26,000 on 5 units.

    Does anyone know of a good benchmarking source or is anyone tracking this that is willing to share their results?  If anyone is also interested, I will provide more details on what we are tracking and our FTE levels.

    Thank you!!

    Clay Frederick CPA
    Director of Finance
    Oregon Imaging Centers
    Eugene OR
    (541) 302-7768
    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry