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  • 1.  RBMA Fights Proposed Cuts to Ultrasound TC!

    Posted 10-30-2018 09:05
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    RBMA members should note that the association's Federal Affairs Committee and staff leaders continue to work with the Ultrasound Access Coalition (UAC) in fighting proposed cuts of up to 40% over a 4-year period to ultrasound reimbursements.  The 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule issued in July contained ultrasound practice expense data collected in a study by CMS contractor StrategyGen that will lower the TC in ultrasound by 9% in 2019.  RBMA and other radiology industry leaders including the ACR and AQI, manufacturers and outpatient imaging organizations quickly formed the UAC to review StrategyGen's data and advocate for a delay in implementation of these cuts.  The UAC has consistently noted to CMS officials in several meetings that the analysis contains inaccuracies, omissions, and inappropriately relied on hospital data to determine non-hospital pricing and subsequently reimbursement.  The UAC has noted that the study conducted by StrategyGen was non transparent in terms of data sources and ultrasound equipment assessed and that CMS inappropriately relied on hospital pricing data. 

    RBMA has been well represented at meetings with CMS and OMB officials.  I have attended these meetings along with  Linda Wilgus, Chair of the RBMA Federal Affairs Committee.  Linda has concisely pointed out that this type of pricing will ultimately reduce access to patients for ultrasound.  Liz Quam from Minnesota and the CDI Quality Institute has been a very helpful advocate for RBMA.  In fact, Liz worked with the Congressman Erik Larsen of Minnesota in providing information for his letter to CMS Administrator Seema Verma in opposing these cuts to ultrasound.  (See attached)

    RBMA members should continue to advocate for a delay in these cuts in conversations with local members of Congress. In fact, if you've recently (within the last 12 months) purchased ultrasound equipment please let us know.  That may be useful information in this ongoing regulatory issue. 

    Stay tuned as the MPFS Final Rule will be issued very soon. 

    Robert Still FRBMA
    Executive Director
    Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA)
    Fairfax VA
    (703) 621-3363


    SIGNED ultrasound letter.pdf   261 KB 1 version
    FINAO Solutions: Comprehensive Radiology Solutions

  • 2.  RE: RBMA Fights Proposed Cuts to Ultrasound TC!

    Posted 10-30-2018 13:59

    My apologies to our colleagues from Minnesota and to Congressman Erik Paulsen for the misspelling of his name in the post from yesterday. 




    Robert T. Still, FRBMA

    Executive Director

    M:  717.475.6079


    RBMA50_Logo_FN_eSig (002)

    9990 Fairfax Blvd., Suite 430 | Fairfax, VA 22030

    Direct: 703-621-3363 | Main: 888-224-7262 | Fax: 703-621-3356 |



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    FINAO Solutions: Comprehensive Radiology Solutions