Joanne - we don't have a full time physician scheduler, but we do use administrative staff who have other duties as well as a scheduling committee comprised of 3 radiologists to support the scheduling function. We moved away from a dedicated radiologist scheduler due to cost, and some other perceived scheduling conflicts 2 years ago. The admin person has a wage of $55K/year. There are support personnel at $43K/year. We are a practice of 33 providers straddling 3 health systems, 23 assignments (several are part time, or not daily assignments.) We publish the schedule quarterly using Qgenda. Hope that helps.
Beth Williams MHA, FACMPE
Executive Director
Vantage Radiology and Diagnostic Services
Federal Way WA
(253) 661-1700 ext. 1105
Original Message:
Sent: 02-05-2019 13:20
From: Joanne Manowczak
Subject: Full time physician scheduler