Thanks for your post concerning Covid-19.
Needless to say, the RBMA staff and leadership are monitoring this situation very closely as it relates to our PaRADigm annual meeting April 4-8th in Hollywood, Florida.
We are 4 weeks out from our annual conference and with the news of the Covid-19 infection now within the USA we have refocused our efforts to insure we have the correct information to provide to the registrants.
The RBMA staff has sought appropriate resources that will help guide our member's planning and communications. Resources have included the World Health Organization paper entitled: Key planning recommendations for Mass Gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak. The American Society of Association Executives have several resources regarding meeting planning that are updated almost daily. We are also monitoring the CDC, the Florida Health Department advisories and the most up to date infections via the Johns Hopkins Covid-19 website.
It should be noted that there are currently no travel advisories within the United States. In fact, the infectious disease physicians that I have listened to including Dr. Thomas File, President of the Infectious Disease Society of America note that any travel precautions are the same precautions a person should take in a typical flu season. In other words, cover your mouth when you cough, wash hands frequently for 20 seconds.
We are also in communication with the PaRADigm facility, The Diplomat Hotel and Resort in Hollywood, Florida regarding Covid-19 issues. There are currently no function cancellations at the Diplomat. It's open for business!
We pledge to report on any Covid-19 issues that may effect PaRADigm and our guests.
We will see you at PaRADigm!
Robert Still FRBMA
Executive Director
Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA)
Fairfax VA
(703) 621-3363
Original Message:
Sent: 03-03-2020 13:25
From: Kyle Tucker
Subject: PaRADigm & the Coronavirus
PaRADigm is just weeks away as the country comes to grips with the coronavirus. My daughter works in the travel industry and says conferences are getting cancelled because of low turnout and the possible threat of quarantines. No one wants to get stuck somewhere for a couple of weeks though I could think of worse places to be than Hollywood, FL. Any thoughts from RBMA or the board?
Kyle Tucker
Dexios Corporation
Midlothian VA
(804) 378-3543