We have contracted with Assist Health Group. We later found out patient pays prior to service and in our experience pays more than our self pay rate.
Dawn R Krueckeberg, MBS
Billing Operations Manager
Breast Diagnostic Center
PET Imaging Services
3707 New Vision Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
ph: 2604694766
fax: 2604694766 or 2604845919
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Original Message:
Sent: 12/30/2024 11:13:00 AM
From: Mindy Smith
Subject: RE: Assist Health Group
Our clients have contracts with them in several locations. You must have authorization before seeing these patients. They pay timely but the volume of patients affiliated with this network is not very substantial. We only get a few a year. Hope this helps.
Mindy Smith
Billing Manager
Management Data Systems
3114 Lake St
Lake Charles, LA 70601
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Original Message:
Sent: 12/30/2024 11:02:00 AM
From: Neale Pashley
Subject: Assist Health Group
Hi all,
Does anyone have experience contracting with Assist Health Group. Link here: https://assisthealthgroup.com/providers/
They seem overly anxious to contract with our group and are willing to provide very good rates.
Feels like a trap :)
Neale Pashley
Vice President, Partner Services
Radiology & Imaging Specialists
Lakeland FL