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  • 1.  MIPs Reporting

    Posted 01-09-2025 10:12

    We bill for a small group of hospital based radiologist.   We reported MIPS claims based but need to get into reporting via CQMS.

    I have read that we need to report (as a group) 6 quality measures including one outcome measure OR high performance measure in the absence of an applicable outcome measure, OR a complete specialty measure set.     I can't seem to find what measure are in a "complete measure set."   Can someone help please.   Thank you

    [Hulah] [Gorby] [CPC, CPMA]
    [Coding Supervisor]
    [Custom Data Services, Inc]
    [Merrillville] [IN]
    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 2.  RE: MIPs Reporting

    Posted 01-09-2025 10:40

    Hi Hulah,


    We recently moved to a QCDR.  We were told that if the group doesn't perform well as a whole, there is an option to pull your highest performing MD.  The group reporting is done all year and monitored, then at reporting time the actual submission can include the individual MD data.  Maybe that applies to your scenario, your registry should be able to give you guidance on the matter.




    Mindy Smith

    Billing Manager

    Management Data Systems

    3114 Lake St

    Lake Charles, LA 70601




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    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 3.  RE: MIPs Reporting

    Posted 27 days ago

    Hi Hulah,

    I believe you ae talking about the Specialty sets and the measures are:

    Diagnostic radiology specialty set: 145, 360, 364, 405, 406, 494

    Interventional radiology specialty set: 145, 374, 413, 420, 421, 465, 487, 498

    Barbara Rubel, MBA, FRBMA
    Senior Vice President, Marketing & Client Services
    MSN Healthcare Solutions
    Past President, FRBMA & GRBMA
    Past President RBMA
    Green Cove Springs FL
    (770) 823-3597 (M)

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.