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  • 1.  MQSA- Post-Procedure Mammo

    Posted 08-27-2024 12:15

    Hi all,


    Looking for some guidance: one of our mammographers is stating that there is conversation on social media MD groups regarding "any billable mammo must have a density reading under new MQSA regulations." Specifically, they are stating that the post-clip mammo (one view attached to an ultrasound guided biopsy) would require a separate letter for that date of service.  This seems odd to me, as they would have already had notification regarding their density (unlikely changed) during their workup.  Does anyone have any guidance or operational workflow for this? 


    In discussion with our Practice Manager, also a previous Breast Coordinator, it would seem the only patient this would apply to would be a patient under the age of 30yoa that might not have had a mammo already.


    Would appreciate

    Heather L. Rady, MS, ATC

    Chief Operating Officer

    Radiology Associates of Ridgewood, P.A.

    Office: 201-445-8822, ext 119




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    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 2.  RE: MQSA- Post-Procedure Mammo

    Posted 08-28-2024 09:42

    Following this discussion. Interested in finding out more.

    Jessica Martinez BSRS, RT(R)
    Chief Clinical Officer
    Radiology Associates, LLP
    Corpus Christi TX

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 3.  RE: MQSA- Post-Procedure Mammo

    Posted 08-28-2024 10:55

    Heather - Yes the MQSA Requirements were updated and go into effect September 10, 2024 requiring a density classification within the patient communication/report.. Here is a link to the updated requirements for reporting and the program.

    Keith Chew, MHA, CMPE, FRBMA
    Consulting with Integrity
    Chatham, Illinois

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 4.  RE: MQSA- Post-Procedure Mammo

    Posted 08-28-2024 11:09

    Hi Heather,

    I believe the information you are looking for is in our latest blog post here:

    Please reach out if you have any questions.

    Allisar Charara
    Sales Rep
    StreamlineMD, A PRC Medical Company
    Cuyahoga Falls OH

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 5.  RE: MQSA- Post-Procedure Mammo

    Posted 08-28-2024 11:30

    Hi, I asked this question to the MQSA hotline and this is some of the response that was given: 

    Under the current (and amended) regulations, if the post-procedure mammogram is logged, reported, and charged as an independent examination, separate from the interventional procedure that precedes it, then the mammogram is subject to all MQSA quality standard requirements. This would include the requirement to be interpreted by a MQSA qualified interpreting physician, preparing a written report of the examination, which after September 10, 2024, must include a federal breast density assessment statement, providing that report to the referring healthcare provider, and communicating the examination results in a summary written in lay language to the patient, which after September 10, 2024, must include a federal breast density notification statement. The lay summary must be specific to the examination and report; for example, if the assessment statement in a report indicates that an examination was a post-procedure mammogram for marker placement, then the lay summary of that report should likewise mention the procedure or the marker placement, but it would not be appropriate to state that the mammogram results were abnormal, worrisome, suspicious for cancer, etc.


    Stacie Graham
    Lead Coder
    Radiology Group, PC, SC
    Davenport IA

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.