Practice Management

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  • 1.  Who does scheduling?

    Posted 01-03-2024 15:37

    We are wondering how practices handle physician clinical scheduling – is it done by a physician, administrative staff, etc.?  How many hours per week are consumed by scheduling for each person involved?


    Thanks as always for your wisdom!





        John E. Pugh

     P: 609.644.4479

     F: 609.503.2476

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    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 2.  RE: Who does scheduling?

    Posted 01-12-2024 16:31
    Hi John,

    We now have a scheduling committee (myself and about 5 physicians from various subspecialties). I do the bulk of the schedule on QGenda with the automation tool and then nitpicking some things to rearrange it a bit. The committee talks about issues with the schedule and new "rules" about how to create the schedule (e.g. someone working the evening shift should or should not be scheduled for an early morning shift the next day). 

    I would say that I probably spend 8 to 10 hours creating the schedule for each month with our 35 physicians and 18 daily shifts. Then I probably spend an additional one or two hours each week approving requests. My goal is to hand off the bulk of the schedule to an analyst or office clerk soon, and then just handle the big considerations myself afterwards. 

    We used to have one MD handle the entire schedule. There was a perception issue that he was scheduling himself and his friends on the better/more desirable shifts. Whether that is true or not is irrelevant because many people believed it. So I took over the schedule about 6 months ago to alleviate that perception. Additionally, he was getting very burnt out by doing the schedule. It's a terrible task that nobody enjoys doing. 

    Janene W. Markuske, MBA (she/her)

    Executive Director | IntelliRad Imaging

    305-712-7229, ext 5       786-833-0244

    11760 SW 40th St, Suite 703, Miami, FL 33175

    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 3.  RE: Who does scheduling?

    Posted 01-16-2024 12:00

    Janene, thanks for your thorough response, it's really helpful.





        John E. Pugh

     P: 609.644.4479

     F: 609.503.2476

    A picture containing logo  Description automatically generated


    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry