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  • 1.  PA and NP Procedures in Hospital

    Posted 02-18-2021 12:53



    We have multiple NP's and PA's that work in our IR and NIR sections.  We have however never had them perform procedures as they have instead functioned in an E&M role and serving to try and make the MD's more efficient with what they do.  We are now looking at having the PA and NP perform "minor" procedures in the hospital to include para, thora, fna etc. 


    Our hospital credentials office is saying this isn't in the scope of duties they are credentialed for.  However, legally speaking m understanding is the scope of practice for PA and NP is governed largely by State Law and that in our state, Tennessee, the scope of practice for a PA or NP is dependent on what his/her Supervising Physician is comfortable with them doing.  Can anyone send me anything on this topic or especially those in Tennessee, do you have any additional words of wisdom or guidance?


    What I hope to do is get the credentials office to simply agree that the Mid levels can perform these procedures under the direction (not direction in terms of Personal, Direct, General but direction as in their sponsoring MD) of their sponsoring or directing physician on file. 




    Michael W. Langenberg, FRBMA

    Executive Director for University Radiology

    2240 Sutherland Avenue, Suite 107

    Knoxville, TN 37919

    (865) 803-2973 (cell)


  • 2.  RE: PA and NP Procedures in Hospital

    Posted 02-18-2021 12:56

    Michael – You will need to have those individuals credentialed by the medical Staff office just like physicians for the procedures you wish them to perform. My recommendation is to have the credentials for those services updated to allow them to be performed by NPs an Pas, develop the training outline that your physicians will need to follow to be willing to sign off on the Nos and Pas skill set  and get that training approved by the credentials committee. Once that is done you can start the training and ultimate credentialing of those individuals .... Let me know if you have any questions...


    Keith E. Chew, MHA, CMPE, FRBMA

    Principal – Consulting with Integrity

    18 Hawks Nest Chatham, IL   62629

    217-971-5293 Direct


  • 3.  RE: PA and NP Procedures in Hospital

    Posted 02-18-2021 13:01



    Thanks, yes, I should have clarified, they are already credentialed by the Med Staff and have vague general descriptions in their credentials that don't spell out specific procedures, but do say "therapeutic intervention" as an example.  I am hoping to avoid the months long process of getting APP credentials updated if at all possible....   


    Michael W. Langenberg, FRBMA

    Executive Director for University Radiology

    2240 Sutherland Avenue, Suite 107

    Knoxville, TN 37919

    (865) 803-2973 (cell)


  • 4.  RE: PA and NP Procedures in Hospital

    Posted 02-18-2021 13:22

    Michael – I think that is where you will have the problem. Hospitals Medical Staff Bylaws normally require credentialing on a procedure by procedure basis for NPs and PAs. I would suggest discussing the issue with the Chair of the Credentialing Committee or the Chief of the Medical Staff and asking them how best to move this forward. They will give you the best answer/guidance for your facility and have the authority to make things happen.


    Keith E. Chew, MHA, CMPE, FRBMA

    Principal – Consulting with Integrity

    18 Hawks Nest Chatham, IL   62629

    217-971-5293 Direct