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Self-Referral laws for the State of Maryland

  • 1.  Self-Referral laws for the State of Maryland

    Posted 03-22-2022 21:09


    Reaching out to anyone who might be familiar with the self-referral laws for the state of Maryland.  Are there any current exceptions to the law that will allow referrals for MRI's if the physician owns the magnet?  We do see some groups that are doing this and are trying to figure out how they are working within the rules to refer to their own magnet.  Are their exceptions for a non-radiologist to refer to their own magnet?  Can a radiologist that is an employee do so?

     Any guidance or suggestions on how I can answer the physicians would be greatly appreciated.



    Trudie Galan
    Healthcare Information Services
    Willowbrook IL
    (630) 321-2762