Practice Management

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  • 1.  MIPS Measures

    Posted 05-21-2021 12:27

    Hello Forum,


    Like many groups, our group is struggling to find the MIPS measures that will allow us to not only document and capture at a high rate, but also in turn garner a high enough score to maximize our bonus potential.  This year we have introduced measures 47 and 111 into our IR Clinic where we see patients and perform EM activities.  These are both 10 point measures and presumably, from a lay person anyway, these are very low bar measures to meet and get 10 points for!


    Is anyone else reporting these measures?  If so, did you encounter any push back from your MD's or mid-level providers to provide the necessary documentation?  I do realize these are specific to E&M activity. 




    Michael W. Langenberg, FRBMA

    Executive Director for University Radiology

    2240 Sutherland Avenue, Suite 107

    Knoxville, TN 37919

    (865) 803-2973 (cell)


  • 2.  RE: MIPS Measures

    Posted 05-24-2021 09:12
    Michael, radiology practices are increasingly opening IR Clinics to capture their IR patient office visits and E/Ms.  These are easy measures to document using an EHR - 47 (care plan) and 111 (pneumococcal vaccination).  For practices using StreamlineMD EHR, when documenting these measures the appropriate CPTII codes drop to charge capture.  When requested, we then send this data to Mingle to analyze and assist the practice with reporting.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Harry Curley
    StreamlineMD, A PRC Medical Company