Practice Management

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  • 1.  Breast Center

    Posted 08-29-2018 11:16
    Our hospital based group covers multiple hospitals and a couple of hospital owned breast centers. We have  historically staffed the breast centers  same as all seats, with shareholder radiologists or shareholder track radiologists. We are considering hiring a breast trained radiologist to only work in the breast centers. This radiologist would be paid a daily rate with no call or weekends. They would have to attend some breast conferences. They would not be on shareholder track.

    Anyone that has done this, any range of expected pay and benefits would be appreciated.


    David M. White, CPA

  • 2.  RE: Breast Center

    Posted 08-29-2018 11:35



    We have a program similar, but not exact to what you are considering.  We have "employed" (versus partner or partnership track ) fellowship trained Women's Imagers that only cover our Breast Centers.  This includes part-time and full-time status.  They only work weekdays - no Holidays, evenings, nights, weekends, or call.  We based their pay on a proration of 5 days a week.  So if they work 5 days, they receive $X.XX, and 4 days is 80% of that, etc.  We include in their employment agreement a per-diem rate, and the expected number of days per week they will work.  This allows flexibility on both ends if the 3 day a week physician is needed a 4th day that week, or we agree that they are only needed 2 days.


    Benefits are driven in part by the carrier.  For example, our health benefit insurer requires a minimum of 30 hours per week.  Assuming they meet those requirements, we prorate what we fund for the benefits, except for Pension and Profit Sharing.


    As for what we pay, we've found that this is very market dependent.  So it may be best to see if you can get a pulse on what other practices in your area are paying.


    Call or e-mail me if any more specifics may be helpful.


    My best,




    Edwin W. Swager

    Radiologic Associates of Fredericksburg, CEO

    Virginia Medical Imaging, CEO


    10401 Spotsylvania Ave Suite 200

    Fredericksburg VA, 22408



  • 3.  RE: Breast Center

    Posted 08-30-2018 13:32
    We employ a part-time breast reader at one of the hospitals and a full-time position in a privately owned imaging center.  Both are employed positions and compensated based on a daily rate. They receive full benefits based on the employee handbook in terms of medical insurance, vacation and profit sharing.  The vacation benefits for the part-time position are prorated but everything else is paid the same as full-time. 
    We set a value for evening and weekend shifts and subtracted the average monthly value of that work from the rate we pay employed physicians on a membership track. In our case, it worked out to be a competitive rate. 
    while this has worked well in the past, we have a full-time position open currently but we're having trouble filling it because interested parties want to be on a partner track.  They are willing to receive less compensation and receive a prorated bonus but don't want to be employees for more than 2 years.  So far our group hasn't been willing to go there but we are beginning to look at what options we have if we need to make this a membership track.

    Sharon Iverson
    Executive Director
    Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
    Topeka KS
    (785) 234-2306