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  • 1.  Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-07-2019 14:59
    Our practice has always had all of our radiologist onsite but we are going to be hiring a few more radiologists who will be reading remotely so I need to credential them with our varies insurance plans, including Medicare. One of the radiologist will be located in another state and another is located in a zip code that falls under a different Medicare locality in Florida then we are located in. It seems like I have seen discussion on these types of situations in the past but I am having trouble finding the info from past emails. Can someone please advise me what I need to do for billing Medicare in these two situations.

    For the doctor who is located in another state, he has a Medicare provider number and is enrolled in the state he is located. What do I need to do to for Medicare enrollment for him to read for our imaging center (free standing in Florida)? Normally I complete an 855R and submit it to FCSC, Inc (Florida Medicare). I am not sure how to handle this with him being located in another state.

    For the doctor in the other state as well as the doctor in the other payment locality, don't I have to indicate somewhere on the claim where the doctor is located? Where would I put this information on the claim? Is there anything else I should be aware of when billing for these radiologists? Of note, we bill globally for services performed to Medicare Part B and we are not an IDTF. We are a considered a radiology group and are 100% owned by radiologists. The radiologists who will be reading for us will also read for other radiology centers not associated with us.

    Any information on this will be very much appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Carrie Teegarden
    Billing Manager
    Advanced Imaging Concepts PL
    Brooksville, FL

  • 2.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-08-2019 11:14
    Hi Carrie,
    I have the same situation with an imaging center located in Michigan - they have radiologists reading remotely from Illinois, Rhode Island, and Florida.  We global bill to MI Medicare for studies read by physicians who are sitting in Michigan.  But we have to split bill technical components to MI Medicare and professional components to either IL, RI, or FL Medicare for studies read by the out of state physicians.  We had to enroll all of the remote radiologists in both Michigan Medicare and their local Medicare Part B plan.  The location billed on the professional component claim will be the address where the physician is sitting when he/she reads the study. 
    I don't want to get into the specific CMS forms that you would need to complete because I might give you the wrong answer, but I hope this helps.

    Shannon Helton, CPC
    Client Manager
    Change Healthcare

  • 3.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-08-2019 15:18
    Hi Shannon,

    Your response was very helpful and confirmed what I thought was required. I am wondering about other insurance plans such as commercial insurances, BCBS, Medicaid, Tricare and Medicare replacement plans. Can they be globally billed or do you have to split bill them to for the remote radiologists? I want to be prepared if other insurances require it but I will also confirm when I credential the radiologist. I appreciate any heads up I can get!

    Thanks so much!

    Carrie Teegarden
    Billing Manager
    Advanced Imaging Concepts, PL
    Brooksville FL

  • 4.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-08-2019 15:44
    We only split bill to Medicare.  This is not required by any other payers to my knowledge, although payer requirements can vary as we all know and I don't bill to any Florida payers aside from FL Medicare.

    Shannon Helton, CPC
    Client Manager
    Change Healthcare

  • 5.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-28-2019 10:11
    That is correct.

    You only have to split-bill for Medicare patients.

    It's another rule to follow that does nothing to help our patients receive the best care.

    Does anyone know the reason for this?

    If a radiologist is qualified and licensed to read a scan and as all images are now digital, why does it matter where the radiologist​ is located if he performs his services?

    I have a radiologist on staff in the Maryland/Washington DC area and if he is not physically present at our office in Baltimore it's split billing?

    IMHO nonsense.

    Can anyone help here?

    Thank you

    William Kisse
    Washington Open MRI, Inc.
    Rockville, MD
    (301) 424-4888

  • 6.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-28-2019 10:21
    It's based upon reimbursement for the area in which the services was rendered. There might be a difference plus or minus. CMS is trying to make certain that all reimbursements are appropriate based upon the applicable fee schedule.... 

    Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  • 7.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-28-2019 10:33
    I fully understand the logic.

    So if the radiologist is physically at this 'remote' office we don't have to split-bill for these patients.

    However reimbursements are the same for the Washington, DC metro as the Baltimore, MD metro areas and with teleradiology it really should not be a requirement for us.

    William Kisse
    Washington Open MRI, Inc.
    Rockville, MD
    (301) 424-4888

  • 8.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-28-2019 10:36
    Hi William

    The reasoning for split billing is that the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule payment rates are based on the cost of operating in a given locality (this is the role of the Geographic Practice Cost Index or GPCI).  If you accept that this is a reasonable approach, then it stands to reason that Medicare should pay based on where the service is wouldn't make sense to pay a physician sitting here in Kansas City the same amount as a one sitting in San Francisco where costs are much higher.

    Having said that, I think the whole cost based approach is flawed, since supply and demand are removed from the equation.  That's what leads to Medicare being the worst payor in some markets and the best in others, and contributes to an uneven distribution of physicians. 

    BTW, as long as that physician is sitting in the same Medicare payment locality where the TC is rendered, and you meet the other requirements for global billing, you should be able to bill globally even if the doctor isn't sitting in your imaging center.

    David Smith FACMPE
    Executive Director
    United Imaging Consultants
    Mission KS
    (785) 393-8387

  • 9.  RE: Billing for radiologist reading remotely

    Posted 10-28-2019 11:25

    Many thanks for your explanation.

    My costs of operating in the Washington, DC metro and Baltimore, MD metro areas are the same.

    Yes...sadly reimbursements in general are a maze of - IMHO - draconian rules that put providers at a truly unfair advantage and especially with commercial insurance make us unable to negotiate fair reimbursement.

    Any hope of respectfully correcting this?

    For me - and all the good people in our industry - it's all about the best possible patient care.  We're just asking for the opportunity to FAIRLY COMPETE in the marketplace and compensate our employees fairly and receive a reasonable return on investment.

    Our company has been in business for 26+ years and in the current market I would not recommend anyone consider the huge cash investment to open a new imaging center. 

    But I believe I'm "Preaching to the Choir".



    William Kisse
    Washington Open MRI, Inc.
    Rockville, MD
    (301) 424-4888