Practice Management

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  • 1.  Nurse Practitioners

    Posted 11-13-2018 15:40
    I also posted this to the coding forum but thought the Practice Managers may also have some insight.  We are trying to determine whether procedures such as joint injections, spinal injections, thoracentesis and paracentesis would fall under our Nurse  Practitioners' scope of practice.  I did speak with our Board of Nursing.  Here in MN the scope is fairly broad so one of the criteria is whether or not these procedures would be a community standard.  We also need to support specific training that they would have for these procedures which should be more than OJT.  Training that would be able to be verified.

    Are any of you using nurse practitioners in this capacity and if so what have you used for verification of training/competency/standard of practice?  Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Ruby O'brochta-Woodward
    Coding & Compliance Manager
    Suburban Radiologic Consultants
    Bloomington MN
    (952) 837-9791