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  • 1.  MIPS Incentive and contrast being reprocessed

    Posted 03-15-2019 16:10

    Has anyone else seen on their EOBs that Medicare (Novitas is our MAC) is re-processing claims with contrast and taking the MIPS incentive money back on the contrast codes? We just received a handful of claims from January that were re-processed with CO-144 (incentive payment) removed on the contrast CPT lines.

    Now, this is not much money (literally pennies), but is this accurate? Did they make a mistake by applying the MIPS incentive to the contrast codes? 

    Thanks for your help!

    Vicki Parikh
    Practice Administrator
    Mid-Delaware Imaging

  • 2.  RE: MIPS Incentive and contrast being reprocessed

    Posted 03-15-2019 16:26

    This was sent out by CMS on 2/8/19.



  • 3.  RE: MIPS Incentive and contrast being reprocessed

    Posted 03-15-2019 16:30

    Sorry that came up so very small.


    Try this link.  This is a piece there from 2/7/19 regarding incorrect MIPS payments.







  • 4.  RE: MIPS Incentive and contrast being reprocessed

    Posted 03-18-2019 14:50
    Thank you!

    Vicki Parikh
    Practice Administrator
    Mid-Delaware Imaging