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CR Doesn't Address Healthcare - Your Support is Needed

  • 1.  CR Doesn't Address Healthcare - Your Support is Needed

    Posted 12-03-2021 12:26


    Yesterday, the house passed a Continuing Resolution to fund the Government through Feb. 18. Disappointingly, the CR did not address any meaningful health care issues - MPFS, Sequestration, or PAYGO. Thus, our industry still faces nearly 11% in Medicare cuts on Jan. 1, 2022.

    Here is what we know right now:

    1. Through the conversations many of the RPAN volunteers have had with congressional staffers and policy makers in the past 48 hours, it seems clear that there is bipartisan support in addressing the MPFS bump (3.75%), sequestration (2%) and PAYGO (4%).
    2. Democrats and Republicans are not aligned on the "pay-fors" around these components. Democrats have floated repeal of the rebate rule, but Republicans have balked. Republicans have floated using unspent funding from the Provider Relief Fund, but no one has a good accounting of how much money is actually left there.
    3. There are other vehicles for passage, including the potential (although unlikely) of a standalone health care package before the end of the year.

    Leveraging the capabilities of our partners, within 24 hours, we put in dozens of constituent calls to members of congressional leadership calling for them to act and prevent these cuts from going into place. Optimistically, these calls, along with all of our other forms of outreach will form a stronger foundation to address these important issues by giving constituents/patients a voice in congressional advocacy. 

    How Can You Help?

    1. Sign Your Name to Don't Cut Docs, our advocacy website that will send a message to your congressional representatives. Have your staff, your family, and your friends sign it too. Sign Now >>
    2. Join the Radiology Patient Advocacy Network (RPAN) with a contribution of $100 per radiologist. These funds directly support our extensive and exhaustive advocacy efforts through lobbyists, public relations campaigns, the Don't Cut Docs efforts and more. Join Now >>

    Robert Still, FRBMA
    Executive Director
    Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA)
    Fairfax VA
    (703) 621-3363