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New Rule Revises Treatment of QPA in IDR Process - No Surprises Act

  • 1.  New Rule Revises Treatment of QPA in IDR Process - No Surprises Act

    Posted 08-28-2022 11:28
    This week the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury jointly issued a new final rule modifying their earlier, and very controversial, rulemaking regarding the independent dispute resolution (IDR) process established by the No Surprises Act. In the August 2022 Final Rule, the IDR entity must now consider the "qualifying payment amount" (QPA), but is no longer required to select the offer closest to the QPA. Rather, the IDR entity must select the offer that best represents the value of the item or service by first considering the QPA and then considering additional information submitted by the parties or requested by the IDR entity.

    For a great summary of the new rule, read this excellent Washington Watch blog from my Reed Smith LLP
    colleagues, Nicole-Aiken-Shaban and Ellen Pighini.

    Thomas W Greeson
    Reed Smith LLP
    (703) 517-0495