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Re-Publishing the Recent Physician Retention Hot Topics Survey

  • 1.  Re-Publishing the Recent Physician Retention Hot Topics Survey

    Posted 05-24-2022 17:05

    To all RBMA members,


    The Data Committee recently released a Hot Topics Survey that posed important questions around physician retention in the wake of a challenging year for all radiology practices.  It later came to our attention that a technical issue with the survey tool made it difficult to answer some of the questions accurately.  Specifically, respondents were forced to answer questions that may have been "not applicable" in order to advance to the next section the survey.  With this in mind, we decided to restructure those the questions and release the survey a second time to address this issue.


    If you took the survey and encountered this, we encourage you to take it again.  If you did not get a chance to take it the first time around, we hope you will consider doing so with this next release.  You can access the survey using the the link below:


    Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing and sharing the responses upon the completion of the survey.




    Mark Canada and Tony Werner

    Co-Chairmen, RBMA Data Committee.