Practice Management

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  • 1.  Reporting for CTA Radiologist & Cardiologist

    Posted 04-06-2023 14:14

    For those practices that are sharing interpretation responsibilities with cardiologists for CTA, how are you formatting the final report?  It has been suggested to me that two separate reports be generated but this seems like a recipe for risk management disaster.  We worry that the referring may read the 1st result and never pay attention to the Chest CT portion that might be read/added later.
    Any examples of how you time the release of the results or how you combine 2 reads into 1 report is appreciated.

    Janet E. Hoffman, LLC
    Vienna VA

  • 2.  RE: Reporting for CTA Radiologist & Cardiologist

    Posted 04-06-2023 15:51
    We dictate our portion and the Cardiologist dictates an addendum with their portion.
    It’s very smooth and the report is easily captured as one study without confusion.

    Linda Bredl

  • 3.  RE: Reporting for CTA Radiologist & Cardiologist

    Posted 03-27-2024 14:35
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    An amended report is a common approach when Cardiology and Radiology both need to look at the CCTA  and dictate their respective portions. The most efficient workflow we see nationwide is when Radiology controls the CCTA pathway and reads the Heart and Lungs. See attached for CCTA reporting template.

    Jordan Halter
    Strategic & National Team
    Mountain View CA
