Practice Management

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  • 1.  Moonlighting

    Posted 08-25-2020 11:11
    Good morning,

    Our group has had a longstanding policy against external moonlighting.  We do allow for internal moonlighting but Covid has brought most of that to a screeching halt this year.  

    We have a more junior physician shareholder who, on a few occasions, has brought up his desire to moonlight externally.  We have explained the business reasons for our policy which is also outlined in his shareholder employment agreement.

    I would love to know how other groups handle such requests and whether we are the outliers or the norm.

    Thank you,

    [Sheila] [Witous] [MBA, CPA, CGMA]
    [Chief Administrative Officer]
    [Radiology, Inc.]
    [South Bend] [IN]
    [(574) 258-1100 ext. 205]

  • 2.  RE: Moonlighting

    Posted 08-25-2020 11:33

    As long as it outside the boundaries of the shareholders restrictive covenant, time spent during his/her vacation or off time from the practice, and doesn't interfere with their ability to practice within your practice, does it matter?

    That being said, I would look internally first (senior partners selling days, needed coverage, etc.) first.


    Chief Executive Officer

    Radiology & Imaging of South Texas

    3226 S. Alameda Street

    Corpus Christi, TX 78404

    (O) 361-500-6324

    (O) 361-888-6684 ext. 2046

    (F) 361-888-6686

    (C) 786-223-2671




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  • 3.  RE: Moonlighting

    Posted 08-25-2020 12:27


    Our group does not allow it by contract either, as I suspect is the case in most groups.  We expect owner/partners to devote 100% of their effort to their business.  In my opinion, this is appropriate and is what business owners should expect from their business partners. 

    That's not to say a shareholder couldn't request to amend their contract to allow outside work.  Every shareholder is likely to be able to make a motion at their Board meeting requesting such an amendment, and give them the opportunity to state their case for allowing him/her to work elsewhere.  If it is a reasonable request, it could very well be approved.  This keeps the group in control over the nature, type, and amount of work each shareholder can engage in outside their practice – a degree of control that, in my mind, a Group should have over and expect from their co-owners.   

    In all my years I recall two such requests, one approved and one denied – both for the right reasons given the circumstances.  I shudder to think how much of a Wild West circus a group could find itself in if their contacts allowed the individual shareholder to make this decision based on their own self-interest and without regard of their other business partners.  

    Mike Bohl

    Strategic Advisor




  • 4.  RE: Moonlighting

    Posted 08-25-2020 12:45

    Going back to my statement – Our group prohibits moonlighting, but upon petition to the practice, it can be granted/waived but must follow guidelines stated in previous email.



    Chief Executive Officer

    Radiology & Imaging of South Texas

    3226 S. Alameda Street

    Corpus Christi, TX 78404

    (O) 361-500-6324

    (O) 361-888-6684 ext. 2046

    (F) 361-888-6686

    (C) 786-223-2671




    "PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL:  This document and the information contained herein are confidential and protected from disclosure pursuant to federal law.  This message is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) and may contain information that is PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that the use, dissemination, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this communication in error, please erase all copies of the message and its attachments and notify the sender immediately."