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Radiologist Pay Structure

  • 1.  Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-22-2018 07:03
    Our Radiologists are all contract employees and we are reevaluating their pay structure.  Would anyone be open to discussing their Radiologist payment strategy?  I would be happy to discuss what we are currently doing and what we are thinking about.

    Raul Arizpe
    Desert Imaging
    El Paso TX
    (915) 577-0100

  • 2.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 08:47
    ​We are going through as well right now. We are trying to develop a structure that incentivizes team effort in all aspects and still provides flexibility.

    What direction are you moving to?

    We are thinking a base salary with bonus. The bonus would be tied to 80% Clinical and 20% non-clinical work. The 80% clinical would be broken down to 35% Volume, 35% wRVU and 30% internal metrics such as upward 360 degree peer review, referring/patient group satisfaction scores, TAT, etc.

    Would like to know your thoughts of our structure.

  • 3.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 09:32
    One of my clients is a group in which the partners split profits equally despite the fact that they are a sub-specialty group.  When work RVU's are reviewed, this causes a lot of discussion because the individual provider totals vary widely.  So I am following this thread to see what ideas come up.  I like the idea of base salary with bonus and the fact that it is not entirely dependent on volume.

    Shannon Helton, CPC
    Client Manager
    Change Healthcare

  • 4.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 09:47
    I would caution that work RVU's are not a very fine measure of anything, having been distorted over the years by various political forces in order to drive payment rates.  It doesn't take much of a review to see that certain procedures/modalities are more highly valued than others relative to the work effort involved.  This is also evidenced by the fact that each year certain procedures have their work RVU's significantly adjusted up or down...even though the work involved didn't suddenly change.

    I don't think it's wise to use RVU's for physician compensation unless there is an homogeneous case mix (i.e. all cases are equally over/under valued).  Otherwise, you incent people to focus their efforts on reading high value cases.

    One alternative might be for the group to establish it's own RVU scale, starting with the CMS numbers and adjusting to an agreed upon reality.

    David Smith FACMPE
    Executive Director
    United Imaging Consultants
    Mission KS
    (785) 393-8387

  • 5.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 10:54
    ​Our thought process was to benchmark each rad against our groups avg wRVU. If they are certain % above or below they are in range, but if they veer too far below the avg for the group their bonus would reduce eventually to zero.

  • 6.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 10:55
    I agree with my good friend David - to some degree.  This is a matter considerable debate and a degree of contention in most group practices.  As groups have become more sub-specialized, and more age and gender diverse, and volumes have increased simultaneously with payment reductions, multiple procedure discounts and regulatory mania, coupled with MACRA/MIPS, the discussions and debates with respect to "compensation" have become of greater interest.
    In addition, the need for increasing non-clinical participation to the practice in activities instrumental and important to demonstrating value to the group's "customers" - hospitals, ordering physicians, patients and health plans is ever more important - but do not generate Work Rvu's. How are you recognizing these important contributions for the entirety of the group practice in compensation decisions?
    Most practices set a baseline "salary" and then distribute excess earnings equally to all partners. Many practices have "compensation adjusters" such as days off after call, extra shift pay differentials, night call differentials and other "incentives".
    Basing "bonus" payments upon Work Rvu metrics, in order to be instructive to the compensation committee, needs to include "hours worked" as part of the calculation.
    I suggest physician leaders, with your guidance and assistance, develop a "value line" for the practice. Merely paying for production is a disservice to the partners, as well as associate physicians and will send a clear message to new recruits with respect to the culture of the group.

    Douglas Smith FRBMA
    President & CEO
    Phase 4 Radiology Business Strategies, LLC
    Canton GA

  • 7.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 11:26
    ​The 20% non-clinical activity is what we are adding to compensate for activities not related to actual reading. Those activities would be value based practice building activities.

    As for measuring productivity we were looking at one option where the RBMA Data Committee had developed an old radiologist productivity measurement document. It tracked productivity index, availability index and intensity indicator. The other options was a simplified RVU we developed on our own.

  • 8.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 12:40
    Motivational systems: my favorite class in business school.  Make sure any motivational system put in place supports values of the group.  I.e. answering phone calls of referring docs or hospital staff.  If using RVUs as a measurement have the RVUs been adjusted to reflect the needs of the group.  I.e. the group may have to accept some work that is low RVU/ per unit of Time.   Are there upward adjustments for those RVUs? 
    If one person does Double the average no doubt give that person a bonus and have everyone else sign a thank you card with the check.  Just some thoughts on the subject.
    Gayle Schreier 
    Business Manager 
    Roper Radiologist 
    Charleston, SC

  • 9.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 13:07
    Can you define what you mean by "contract employees" in greater detail.  For example, do they receive a W-2 or a 1099?

    Gregory M. Kusiak MBA, FRBMA
    Gregory M. Kusiak Consulting
    Oceanside, California
    (818) 424-0067

  • 10.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 16:06
    Responding to Gregory's question, our radiologists are independent contractors (1099).  They are currently paid a set fee per study with no salary or bonus structure. 

    Raul Arizpe
    Desert Imaging
    El Paso TX
    (915) 577-0100

  • 11.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 16:45
    If in fact the personnel you are referencing are true 1099 contractors then they are not "employees". 
    1. Be mindful of how long they remain 1099 status with the practice.  We have seen the IRS come back to the practice and arbitrarily change their status to W-2 employees and demand back payment for employer withholding, employer portions of payment of Social Security and Medicare.  I would consult competent accounting and tax professionals as well as legal counsel to be sure you are not at risk.

    Now to the compensation question.  Since they are 1099 status personnel, I suppose you can do whatever you think you may need to do to "incentivize" behaviors you want and need as well as take into consideration "market competitiveness" for the talent pool in your area.  We caution to also consider the effects and compensation deals may have on other non-partner associate physicians (true W-2) .  Whatever you do for the 1099 status personnel will quickly be known throughout the physician cadre.  Some time ago we saw "teleradiology" companies largely basing compensation on production metrics as well as turnaround time metrics.  Results were mixed with many deciding to leave that environment while still others loving it.
    Hope that helps some.  Others may have different views and experience.

    Douglas Smith FRBMA
    President & CEO
    Phase 4 Radiology Business Strategies, LLC
    Canton GA

  • 12.  RE: Radiologist Pay Structure

    Posted 02-23-2018 18:15
    Raul just to add to Doug's comments, you may also be required to make them hole on your pension plan. I know of a case where after 10 year as a 1099 the employer was required to make pension contributions.

    James Hamilton MHA, FRBMA, CMM
    Chief Administrative Officer
    Medical Imaging Physician, Inc.
    2591 Miamisburg Centerville Rd. Suite  302
    Dayton, Ohio 45459
    937-433-7622 x 108
    937-626-3043 cell

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