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Gadolinium Class Action Lawsuit

  • 1.  Gadolinium Class Action Lawsuit

    Posted 07-09-2018 13:42
    ​Hi all,

    The gadolinium class action lawsuit has begun to be advertised in our region and we are getting several calls a day from patients looking for information regarding the gadolinium injections they have received. Most inquiries are benign and just looking for information, and other patients inform me that "we would be hearing from their lawyers soon".

    For these inquires, we have been providing the brand name of the contrast agent(s) that patient has received and explaining that the contrast was ordered for specific reasons where a non-contrast study may not have been as useful.

    We have begun distributing the medication guides to all patients and we require patients to sign that they received the medication guide.

    I would love to know what others are doing or responding to these requests.

    Thank you in advance!

    Haley Maxson
    Park Avenue Associates in Radiology, PC
    Johnson City, NY
    (607) 729-2125