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  • 1.  A/R Survey Update

    Posted 12-06-2022 14:40

    RBMA Members,


    After careful consideration, the RBMA Data Committee has decided to postpone the release of the A/R Survey until January 16, 2023.  The reason for this is twofold.  First, we are now in the final month of calendar year 2022,  so by Mid-January most groups will be well-positioned to report FY 2022 data instead of 2021.  This seemed to make more sense than using 2021 data that's now a year old, and we'd like to continue this cycle each year of the survey moving forward.  Second, we plan to wrap up the survey by early March, which will allow us to publish and review the survey results in time for the Spring PaRADigm meeting which kicks off April 2.  Covering the survey at PaRADigm allows participants to ask questions about the survey in a live format, and also gives us the opportunity to solicit valuable feedback from you.  In the spirit of continuous improvement, this ultimately helps us to plan for any changes we want to employ for the next iteration.


    We sincerely appreciate your understanding and patience, and again we encourage you to participate when the survey's released next month.  Remember, each group that takes the survey receives a complimentary copy of the results!


    Thanks in advance, and we hope to see you at PaRADigm.


    Mark Canada and Tony Werner

    Co-chairmen, RBMA Data Committee

    Mark Canada MHA
    Operations Manager
    R.A. Services
    North Chesterfield VA
    (804) 272-8806 ext. 386