Practice Management

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  • 1.  RRA/RPAs

    Posted 02-01-2023 07:48
    We are private practice group contracted to provide radiology services for two hospital systems.  We are looking at the possibility of hiring RRA/RPAs to assist with our Interventional Radiologists in the IR labs.  We would be interested in talking with groups similar to ours that employ RRA/RPAs to get their feedback and hear about the experience.  Since we have multiple questions as it relates to services performed, billing, malpractice coverage, etc., we thought it best to talk offline.  If anyone is willing to discuss further, please reach out to me and I can exchange my personal contact information.

    Andrew Farah
    Director of Operations
    Drs. Harris, Birkhill, Wang, Songe & Associates
    Dearborn MI

  • 2.  RE: RRA/RPAs

    Posted 02-02-2023 11:00
    I would also love to get more info about RRA/RPA's specifically in CA. The obvious question is how everyone handles billing for procedures. It would be great to help grow this valuable career path in our industry. 

    Maybe RBMA can look at hosting a round table on this topic ?

    Erika Botterill
    Administrative Director
    Mineral King Radiological Medical Group, Inc.
    Visalia CA
    (559) 608-5238

  • 3.  RE: RRA/RPAs

    Posted 02-02-2023 13:05
    There is currently no separate RPA license in California. PAs are used in many practices.

    Wayne K. Baldwin

  • 4.  RE: RRA/RPAs

    Posted 02-02-2023 13:16
    That's right, our group currently has a PA who worked as tech previously and maintained his fluoro license. They are pretty rare, however I believe Kaiser has a program either for PA's to get Fluoro or for techs to become PA's because I know they have several PA's with fluoro licenses. 
    I am more interested in how we could utilize a RRA. What the workflow would look like, such as how supervisor managed, reporting and billing.

    Erika Botterill
    Administrative Director
    Mineral King Radiological Medical Group, Inc.
    Visalia CA
    (559) 608-5238

  • 5.  RE: RRA/RPAs

    Posted 02-02-2023 14:00

    Those that are using RRAs and RPAs need to understand that Medicare rule treat these well-trained auxiliary practitioners as a higher level of technologist, despite apparent broader state rules. The only current additional authority in the Medicare rules relates to the ability of RAs and RPAs to perform Level 3 diagnostic tests under direct rather than personal physician supervision. There could be more latitude with certain private payors, although it is good compliance policy to follow the same standard across all payor types.


    You may want to check the archives for helpful posts from David Smith and Barbara Rubel.


    Thomas W. Greeson

    703.517.0495 (cell)

    Pronouns: He/Him/His


    Reed Smith LLP

    7900 Tysons One Place

    Suite 500

    McLean, Virginia 22102-5979

    Office: 703 641 4242

    Cell:     703.517.0495

    Facsimile:   703 641 4340




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  • 6.  RE: RRA/RPAs

    Posted 02-07-2023 17:02

    We have two RPA employees: one full-time, one part-time, and one student RPA in our practice. We have discussed this issue and I have some information I could share. 

    Feel free to contact me about this:


    Daniel Strauch MHA
    Chief Operating Officer
    Southtowns Radiology Associates, LLC
    Hamburg NY
    (716) 649-9000

  • 7.  RE: RRA/RPAs

    Posted 09-26-2023 14:07

    Hi Dan,

    I was looking through the archives and ran across your post.  Do you bill for therapeutic services performed by your RPA when done under direct supervision?



    Holly Wallner
    Practice Administrator
    TRG, LLC
    Portland, OR