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  • 1.  Imagine Software & Collections Balance

    Posted 09-19-2023 10:57

    Good morning,


    I am hoping to speak to someone who uses Imagine Software. We would like to know if you have been successful having your collection files sent to your collection agency to meet the $500 account summary threshold required to report to the credit bureaus?  If so, can you please reach out to me and let me know how this was set up?


    Christy Hembree, CPC
    Director of RCM: Coding & Compliance  


    Summit Radiology Services

    P |770-607-7339 ex 220   F | 678-929-5507  

    PO Box 200096 Cartersville, Georgia | 30120

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    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 2.  RE: Imagine Software & Collections Balance

    Posted 09-19-2023 12:35

    Hi Christy! 

    We use Imagine! We haven't changed how/what we are sending to our collection agencies. They are still collecting on balances under $500, and we consider that a win since it would otherwise be adjusted off. 

    If you are still wanting to only send account balances over $500 - how are you currently exporting those accounts? Are you doing it manually from the Collections Write Off tab, or is the appliance exporting for you? There are balance filters in the appliance setup and in the Collections Write Off tab that should allow you to put in a minimum balance of $500, and you can choose detail or summary exports.

    If that doesn't help, feel free to reach out to me anytime to discuss further! I'd be glad to try to help.


    Julia Varner
    Director of Operations
    A: 5707 Jenny Lind Rd. Fort Smith, AR 72908
    P: 479.242.3321 F: 479.242.1990

    Catalyst Billing Solutions

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    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 3.  RE: Imagine Software & Collections Balance

    Posted 09-19-2023 12:58

    Hi Julia,


    Thank you for the information. We actually report all our debt over a certain age to collections regardless of the amount.


    Our problem is the new law that prevents medical debt of less than $500 to be reported to the credit bureaus. We are trying to get Imagine to send our accounts to our collection agency in a way that meets this threshold.


    Imagine sends our information to the collection agency by CPT code. A single procedure may have 5 CPT codes and when you add them all together they total more than $500. However, because Imagine only sends by the CPT level and not by a visit or account summary level, our collection agency is not able to add the CPTs together to equal that $500 threshold. They need Imagine to send the account summary or visit summary and we have not been able to figure out how to get this set up.


    Christy Hembree, CPC
    Director of RCM: Coding & Compliance  


    Summit Radiology Services

    P |770-607-7339 ex 220   F | 678-929-5507  

    PO Box 200096 Cartersville, Georgia | 30120

    This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential information subject to protection under the Federal Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164).  If you or your organization is a "Covered Entity" under the above-mentioned regulations, you are obligated to treat such information in a manner consistent with the regulations.  If it appears that this e-mail was sent to you in error, (1) you are prohibited from utilizing or disseminating this e-mail or any attachments; (2) please immediately delete it from your computer and any servers or other locations where it might be stored and e-mail the sender or call 770-607-7339 advising that you have done so.  We appreciate your cooperation.



    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.

  • 4.  RE: Imagine Software & Collections Balance

    Posted 09-19-2023 13:26

    I see what you're saying!


    When the file gets exported as summary instead of detail, is it not grouping the amount to turn over by account instead of by charge?


    I'll do some more digging on my end and let you know directly what I can find out!


    Julia Varner
    Director of Operations
    A: 5707 Jenny Lind Rd. Fort Smith, AR 72908
    P: 479.242.3321 F: 479.242.1990

    Catalyst Billing Solutions

    This email contains information which is legally privileged, confidential and may also contain protected health information.  This email is intended for use only by the individual(s) or entity named above.     If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, unauthorized duplication and/or any unauthorized re-disclosure of all, or any part of this email or its contents, is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify me by return email and delete this email.  


    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.