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NeuroInterventional physician - schedule & info

  • 1.  NeuroInterventional physician - schedule & info

    Posted 05-22-2023 15:28
    We are trying to determine what the industry's typical salary and typical schedule are for dedicated neurointerventional surgeons/radiologists. 

    1. What is the schedule for your NIR physicians? Ours is one week on primary call, one week on backup call, and one week on vacation. About 35 weeks per year working and 17 weeks vacation.  

    2. Do you pay for their benefits (med mal, health ins, retirement, etc)? We pay for all benefits. 

    3. What is the typical salary for a recent graduate and the typical salary for a more seasoned physician? 

    I have been told that the typical salaries are upwards of $950k, but I can't imagine that's true unless they have significantly less vacation than what we offer. I am guessing that most salaries are in the $600k-$700k range depending on vacation time. 


    Janene W. Markuske (she/her)

    Executive Director | IntelliRad Imaging

    305-712-7229, ext 5       786-833-0244

    11760 SW 40th St, Suite 703, Miami, FL 33175

    Spectrum Management Services Company: We guarantee radiology practices improved profitability, increased efficiency, and trusted expertise.