Practice Management

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  • 1.  Welcome our newest members!

    Posted 09-11-2023 09:41

    Hey RBMA,

    I just wanted to drop in and give a big, hearty welcome to all the new faces joining our powerful community. πŸŽ‰ Whether you're a seasoned member or a fresh addition, I'm certain you will echo my enthusiasm in welcoming the following new members:.

    @Darren Bullock
    @Matt Hogan
    @Melanie Humphries
    @Brandon Ambrose
    @Kathryn Draft 
    @Liberty McMakin
    @Soraya Mathews
    @Joseph Verderaime
    @Amber Saville
    @Augusto Elias

    CONNECT RBMA is a welcome place to ask questions, share ideas, and further our collective radiology business knowledge. 

    Feel free to jump right in and start conversations. Got a burning question? Curious about a certain topic? You may find the search feature very helpful in locating past answers and solutions to your top-of-mind concerns. Don't forget to familiarize yourself with the CONNECT RBMA Code of Conduct.

    If you're feeling a bit unsure about how things work around here, don't sweat it. We've all been new members at some point, and there's always someone willing to lend a hand. Feel free to reach out to me directly or an RBMA staff member

    So, here's to the start of some great conversations, meaningful connections, and the shared journey ahead. I look forward to getting to know each of you!

    <scribe-shadow id="crxjs-ext" style="position: fixed; width: 0px; height: 0px; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 2147483647; overflow: visible;"></scribe-shadow>

    Nicole Lomers
    Client Services Director
    Acclaim Radiology Management
    Longview TX
    (903) 663-4800
    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 2.  RE: Welcome our newest members!

    Posted 09-11-2023 10:09

    I love this! Welcome new members! I hope to see you at the upcoming Sync conference or another RBMA Educational event.

    Kim Kelley

    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 3.  RE: Welcome our newest members!

    Posted 09-12-2023 08:48

    Welcome to the RBMA Community!  It is an amazing network to learn from and grow with.  My advice is the connect through the forums, and plug in through a volunteer role in RBMA and/or your local RBMA Chapter.  Volunteering has contributed to my growth in radiology in more ways than I can count.  I hope you get as much out of your RBMA membership as I have.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hi!

    Thank you,
    Director OIC Collections
    ARA Diagnostic Imaging
    t: 512.795.5100 ext. 5291

    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 4.  RE: Welcome our newest members!

    Posted 09-12-2023 09:20

    HI Stacy ...and a warm welcome to our newest members! You will find your new network eager to help, so don't hesitate to reach out.


    Mark Kalmar | Texas Radiology Associates



    RBMA | President '21-'22




    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 5.  RE: Welcome our newest members!

    Posted 09-12-2023 09:38
    Welcome!!! We live progress through sharing so be sure and reach out!!

    Sent from my iPhone

    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 6.  RE: Welcome our newest members!

    Posted 09-12-2023 10:19

    I fondly remember my own journey and how I began with little knowledge of radiology practice management.  It was the help and advice of RBMA members and the resources RBMA provided that helped me become a successful practice administrator.  Enjoy your journey and make sure you ask plenty of questions on this forum and when we are together in person.  RBMA is more that the words Progress Through Sharing.  We're hear with you.





    Robert T. Still, FRBMA

    Executive Director

    M:  717.475.6079


    11166 Fairfax Blvd., Suite 500 | Fairfax, VA 22030

    Direct: 703-621-3363 | Main: 888-224-7262 | Fax: 703-621-3356 |

    Direct: 703-621-3346 | Main: 888-224-7262 | Fax: 703-621-3356 |













    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry

  • 7.  RE: Welcome our newest members!

    Posted 09-12-2023 15:48
    Welcome to the RBMA!  This community provides higher education and collaboration at its best...I learn something new every day! 

    Karen Girven
    Chief Executive Officer


    45 Pine Grove Avenue
    Kingston, New York 12401
    Phone: 845-340-4500 x1105
    Fax: 845-340-4501


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    An end-to-end ecosystem designed to empower radiologists and outpatient centers to flourish despite the never-ending headwinds facing the industry