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  • 1.  CARES Act PPP Loans

    Posted 04-09-2020 09:08
    Have any private practice groups run into an issue of how best to list ownership on the PPP application?  We are a private practice with 36 partners who each own less than 2%.  Our bank, JP Morgan Chase, is stating that because we don't have any partners with more than 20% ownership or at least 5 that would account for 51% ownership, the SBA will kick out our loan application.  Chase has said we are not alone and is waiting for direction from the SBA on how to record ownership before we can apply.  Just curious if anyone else has run into this issue and if they had a workaround.


    Andrew Farah
    Director of Operations
    Drs. Harris, Birkhill, Wang, Songe & Associates
    Dearborn MI

  • 2.  RE: CARES Act PPP Loans

    Posted 04-09-2020 09:12
    We didn't list any owners on the form since all 10 owners are 10% each. Our bank sent in the app yesterday so we don't know yet if there will be an issue.

  • 3.  RE: CARES Act PPP Loans

    Posted 04-09-2020 09:17
    We have 31 equal owners, and did not have to list them individually on the application (which was accepted by the SBA).  I did provide a shareholder list to the bank based on their initial projected document request early last week, but my impression is that probably wasn't actually necessary.

    I think the application is pretty clear that you only have to list 20% owners.  I would tell the bank to submit and see what happens.  If you get rejected, I don't think you're worse off than you are now.

    David Smith FACMPE
    Executive Director
    United Imaging Consultants
    Mission KS
    (785) 393-8387

  • 4.  RE: CARES Act PPP Loans

    Posted 04-09-2020 18:20
    We bank with Atlantic Union and on the initial application I did not include the 9 partners each having 11.1 percent ownership.  I rec'd a call from the individual processing our application and it was requested to send a letter listing all of the partners names, addresses, titles, percentage of ownership, SS and home address.

    Christine Jargowsky
    Charlottesville Radiology, Ltd.


  • 5.  RE: CARES Act PPP Loans

    Posted 04-10-2020 07:27
    ​Thanks to everyone who weighed in.  What it appears is that each bank has a different application process and requires different information specifically related to ownership.  Our bank - Chase - required detailed information on our ownership in the application.  Finally, we came up with a workaround which required us to provide information on 19 of our 36 shareholders so we could show a 51% ownership.  If we did not follow the exact guidelines we had to re-submit the application which we ended having to do 3 times.  The whole process was very frustrating to say the least and now we wait and hope our application is approved through the SBA.

    Andrew Farah
    Director of Operations
    Drs. Harris, Birkhill, Wang, Songe & Associates
    Dearborn MI

  • 6.  RE: CARES Act PPP Loans

    Posted 04-10-2020 15:55

    We had the exact same experience with Chace, Andrew.



    Tim Barrett, CPA

    Chief Executive Officer

    8230 Summa Ave.,| Suite C | Baton Rouge, LA  70809-3421

    office  (225) 757-0552 | fax  (225) 763-9997

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  • 7.  RE: CARES Act PPP Loans

    Posted 04-10-2020 19:53
    It sure would be nice if the state would discount or forego the professional privilege tax for physicians this year bc of this pandemic. I have emailed my state because it would be a great way to tell physicians they are appreciated for working in the front lines.
    My malpractice insurance is discounting our premiums for 3 months. That was very appreciated!
    I'm looking for other discounts. Anything out there I should consider for our groups?

    Kim Asher